Fractal Art

I would like to preface this entry by saying this may not be an example of Fractal Art in the truest definition, and that I am not a “tree hugger,” but I find the work of Chris Jordan to be extremely impressive and provocative. I was first exposed to his work in a previous semester in a natural science course I took at the University of Arizona. Many of Chris Jordan’s pieces are produced by photographs, etchings, or other items, and after compiling hundreds, thousands or even millions of images reconstituting them into a larger image that may not seem to reflect what the cumulative images represent. Many of his pieces are a statement on human consumption and the waste that can occur with such consumption, or the image may represent what he perceives as positive organizations toward his vision of the natural environment and it’s peoples, as in “E Pluribus Unum.”
            In “E Pluribus Unum,” Chris Jordan etched the names of a million organizations dedicated to social justice, the environment, preservation of diverse cultures, and the like (it looks like more than a million when you zoom into the image). To me, this piece suggests many aspects of what Mr. Jordan may perceive about these organizations. The image (which is actually 24 by 24 feet) is circular, like the world it may represent. The list of names all come together to form distinct patterns within the circle that appear to create algorithmic or fractal pieces of a much greater whole (you really have to zoom in to get the full effect). I highly recommend visiting Mr. Jordan’s online gallery and checking out the “Running the Numbers” and “Running the Numbers II” series. Be sure to zoom in and out and pay attention to the comments below the various works.

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